Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Either Barry Bonds is flat-out nuts, or he really is innocent. He is now openly inviting Major League Baseball to investigate him, in connection with its steroids investigation. In my mind, this is kind of like al-Qaeda openly inviting the United States to determine what role, if any, it had in terrorism, and or 9/11. Yes, openly asking people to bring it on, when you know they can cause you serious damage is not a good idea, almost all the time.

You'd think the Bobby Bacala-esque body of evidence against Bonds would be enough to make him not want to taunt the people who could (a) confirm what a majority of baseball fans already think (b) tarnish what would have been a Hall of Fame career (c) cut-short this season's pursuit of baseball's most hallowed record (d) make the Giants look
awfully stupid for signing him for $15.8M, although (e) make them awfully glad they included the "all bets are off if you get indicted" clause in the deal.

But then again, Bonds has always been somewhat bold ("is bold the right word?") in defending himself against allegations. Ever since the Chronicle reporters broke the story, he's done nothing but deny, deny, deny. When they wrote a book, he still denied. When his trainer went to jail for obstruction of justice, he still denied. If he's not indicted, and hits number 756 this season, he will, no doubt, be asked the same question he's been asked for the last 3 years. And I think we all know what his response will be.


Eric said...

I dont think bold is the right word. I believe asshole is the word you're looking for.

Mike said...

I hate this guy. That is all.