Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I'm Curious

Why did it take more than two weeks for Gary Matthews Jr. to admit to doing nothing? I know I've touched on this before, but I just don't understand why it takes so long to deny something if you know you've done nothing wrong. Matthews says it took so long because he and his attorneys wanted to be sure he wasn't going to be the subject of any kind of investigation, or accused of any wrongdoing. Apparently he has assurances from Bud Selig that he is not.

I'd like to know why, in light of the fact that his name reportedly appeared on that client list. And I'd also like him to address why his name appeared on that list. He said he would address it, but didn't today.

The Angles may consider this matter closed, but I guarantee G-Mat can look forward to a season full of "H-G-H" chants on the road, and maybe even some at home. If he's innocent, this is an unfortunate penalty he'll have to pay for being so much as associated with the game's on-going performance-enhancing drug scandal. If he's guilty and covering something up, it's nowhere near punishment enough.


David said...

It took 16 days for Matthews to issue a statement because he actually did it, and he wanted to see if anybody had anything substantial on him at all. He needed two weeks to get a lawyer and a publicist to try and spin this so he doesn't actually have to answer any questions.

Brian said...

i like that you called him G-Mat.

like is you were named Steve Allen Thomas and we called you S-A-T...